Games of the Year

RPGFan Games of the Year 2024: Best Indie Game

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes - Best Indie Game of 2024

Winner: Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Writeup by Audra Bowling

If its massively successful Kickstarter is any indication, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is a game that many were hyped about. A spiritual successor to the beloved Suikoden series, it shared the premise of recruiting an extensive roster of characters from different walks of life. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes might not be the game we all expected, but I still enjoyed my time with its charming world. There were moments where the potential within its story and characters shined, plus its various gameplay mechanics were largely solid, traditional RPG fundamentals. I’m still hopeful that the upcoming DLC expansions and a potential sequel will build upon its strengths. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroesmakes a valiant effort to satisfy gamers, plus it contains desert pirate sharks who sing battle shanties. That’s got to be in its favor, yes?

Runner-Up: 1000xRESIST

Writeup by Patrick Gann

Sunset Visitor, the core development team behind the breakout/outbreak adventure 1000xRESIST, is made up of only four members. Having such a small team behind major creative decisions allowed Sunset Visitor to craft cohesive elements in the final product: the game’s design, animation, voice, music, gameplay, and story feel uniquely suited to the end product that is 1000xRESIST. I’m willing to argue that such a presentation is much harder to do in the hands of a AAA studio than it is with a small but passionate independent studio. Hence, we happily bestow honor on this dark and clever indie adventure game.

Readers’ Choice: Best Indie Game of 2024

Winner: Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes (52.7% of votes)

Runner-Up: 1000xRESIST (7.6% of votes)

Audra Bowling

Audra Bowling

Audra Bowling is a reviewer for RPGFan. She is a lover of RPGs, Visual Novels, and Fighting Games. Once she gets onto a subject she truly feels strongly about, like her favorite games, she can ramble on and on endlessly. Coffee helps keep her world going round.