Tim Rattray

Former Features Writer

Tim Rattray

Tim has written about games, anime, and beyond since 2009. His love of JRPGs traces back to late-90s get-togethers with cul-de-sac kids to battle and trade PokĆ©mon via link cables. In the early 2000s, this passion was solidified when Chrono Trigger changed his conception of what a game could be. A core focus of Timā€™s work is mental health advocacy with a focus on how interactivity can be used to depict and teach about mental illness. Heā€™s excited to share that insight with RPGFanā€™s readers, alongside a log full of side quests to explore the mutual passion we all share.

Favourite Games/Series

Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, PokƩmon, Zelda, Dragon Quest, Persona/SMT, Xenoblade, Fire Emblem. Definitely not limited to these!

Favourite Genres

JRPGs, fighting games, anything with a narrative focus

Misc Interests

Music, film, politics, craft beer, theme parks

Time at RPGFan

November 2023ā€“February 2025