Sean Cabot

Reviews Editor

Sean Cabot

Sean is a reviewer for RPGFan. Not content to merely indulge in a genre known for obscene length, he decided to indulge in similarly long-winded subjects like tokusatsu and comics. Being stuck between all of these interests has left him with a truly terrifying backlog, but he still swears that someday he will finish 15% of it. For him, genre is no object, and it is absolutely vital to experience something new every day.

Favourite Games/Series

Resident Evil 4, TWEWY, Live A Live, Umineko, Bloodstained, Final Fantasy VII, Pathologic 2

Favourite Genres

RPGs, Strategy, Fighting, Horror

Misc Interests

Anime, Manga, Western Comics, and Tokusatsu

Time at RPGFan

August 2024ā€“Present

Where I'm From


My Pronouns
