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Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Adds Monster Arena Tournaments

Artwork of Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake not only looks like a beautiful rebuild of a classic RPG, but new elements are set to make it even better. With the new Monster Wrangler vocation, you can catch monsters to use for battles on your side. And with this new class also comes another new feature: monster arena tournaments! A lot of thought and hard work has been put into the Monster Wrangler, and it shows!

Check out the overview trailer to see the monster tournaments in action and more:

Before you hit the monster arenas, which can be found in multiple places around the world, you need to catch some critters! With a Monster Wrangler in your party, they can sense how many friendly critters are in a specific area and stop them from running away. However, every creature is different and you need to strategize in order to catch them, either by covering your scent, making yourself invisible, or using whatever items or abilities that fit the situation.

The more critters you catch, the stronger your “Monster Pile-On” attack gets, and the Monster Wrangler learns more abilities. Catching multiple monsters of the same species will make monsters of that type even stronger. Once you’ve acquired three monsters, you’re ready to enter a tournament!

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Screenshots

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake launches for PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam and the Microsoft Store on November 14th. Pre-ordering the game nets you the Trouble-Free Travel Kit to make your adventure less perilous. This kit includes:

• One pair of elevating shoes
• Three seeds of strength
• Three seeds of defence
• Three seeds of agility
• Three seeds of life
• Three seeds of magic

Stay tuned to RPGFan as we wrangle Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake closer to its release date!

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Tyler Trosper

Tyler Trosper

Tyler Trosper is a news writer for RPGFan. He has an unhealthy obsession with the Xeno franchise, especially Xenosaga. He runs a podcast about the series in his free time and sometimes works on fan projects. Tyler would die happy if Xenosaga Episode IV was announced. Besides Xeno, Tyler enjoys watching anime, his favorite being Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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