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Lost Soul Aside to Release May 30th for PS5 and PC

Lost Soul Aside Screenshot 009

Sony Interactive Entertainment and UltiZero Games have announced that the long-awaited Lost Soul Aside will launch on May 30th for PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam.

A trailer shown at the February 2025 State of Play featured multi-dimensional locales, flashy combat, and more. Check it out below!

Lost Soul Aside – Pre-Order Trailer

About Lost Soul Aside

As seen in the trailer above, protagonist Kaser wields a shape-shifting phantasm named Arena to wield martial and magical might against myriad enemies. Players will be able to shift Arena into different styles of weapon, both confirming melee and ranged options, suited to different playstyles. There are also unique abilities interwoven with a seemingly robust system of dodges and counters.

Players will explore a multi-dimensional reality, switching between linear setpieces and opening up for vertical exploration in a setting that fuses fantasy and near-future science fiction. In that world, Kaser seeks to both save his sister and humanity from an overwhelming tide of monsters, using Arena and his might as a way to achieve that.

For more information on Lost Aside, feel free to check out an article on PlayStation Blog released in conjunction with the new trailer.

Pre-Order Details

Lost Soul Aside Preorder Bonus

Lost Soul Aside Digital Deluxe Edition

UltiZero Games has also confirmed that players will be able to pre-order Lost Soul Aside starting February 19th, on Sony and PC storefronts. Doing so will give players access to three bonuses: Kaser’s original outfit from his reveal in 2016, a starter bundle of in-game currency, and a bundle of healing potions. The game will have standard and Digital Deluxe editions, with the latter’s pre-order bonuses detailed below:

  • Ruby Necklace Health Booster
  • Gemstone Badge XP Booster
  • Arena ‘Golden Blaze’ Skin
  • 3 x Weapon Cosmetics
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • Digital Artbook

Lost Soul Aside Screenshots

Lost Soul Aside was originally revealed as a solo project in 2016 by developer Yang Bing before joining the China Hero Project program — a Sony initiative intent on bringing Chinese game development teams financial, marketing and publishing support.

It’s heartening to see Lost Soul Aside‘s release confirmed. For as long as I’ve been with RPGFan as a news editor,this title has come in and out of focus over the years. It wears its inspirations of Final Fantasy XV and Devil May Cry on its sleeve, and I hope it stands on their shoulders to bring something exquisite to the equation.

Lost Soul Aside will be released on May 30th for PS5 and PC via Steam.

Stay tuned to RPGFan for all news RPG!

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Trent Argirov

Trent Argirov

Trent is a news editor for RPGFan. If not writing news or lending a voice to the odd podcast, he can be seen, in the Australian wild, drinking copious amounts of iced coffee, working on various manuscripts, and keeping the occasional wandering cat company. His video game backlog stretches far and wide, and sources swear he's slowly working on it, one day at a time.

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