Final Fantasy


One of the classic pillars of the roleplaying genre, the original Final Fantasy follows the adventure of the young Light Warriors as they seek to restore the darkened Orbs of Light and challenge evil along the way. The game features the ability to create four custom characters based around six Dungeons & Dragons-derived classes: Fighter, Thief, Black Belt, Red Mage, White Mage, and Black Mage.

Battles in the game are turn-based and pit the party of four on the right side of the screen against enemies appearing on the left. Commands are menu-driven, while things like magic are learned by purchasing them from shops along the way. As the game progresses, players can make a Class Upgrade which changes both the portraits and sprites of the characters, giving them a more mature look and helps players track their growth.

Final Fantasy was conceived of by Hironobu Sakaguchi and was one of then-Squaresoft’s first major successes. It has since been re-released in a variety of formats and entered the larger gaming consciousness through tribute comics, musical covers, referential material in successor games, and much more.

Game Reviews

Review Author Platform Score
Final Fantasy Musashi Nintendo Entertainment System

Music Reviews

Review Author Released
20020220 music from Final Fantasy Liz Maas May 9, 2002
20th Anniversary A Tribute to Game -Sounds for Music- CD Zane May 21, 1998
A New World: intimate music from Final Fantasy Brigid Choi August 22, 2014
All Sounds of Final Fantasy I β€’ II Patrick Gann December 21, 1988
Battle SQ Stephen Meyerink July 4, 2012
Beer SQ Kyle E. Miller July 4, 2012
BRAβ˜…BRA FINAL FANTASY BRASS de BRAVO Brigid Choi March 4, 2015
BRAβ˜…BRA FINAL FANTASY BRASS de BRAVO 2 Ronald Buie March 23, 2016
Cafe SQ Jerry Williams November 23, 2011
Cure SQ Jerry Williams December 11, 2013
Distant Worlds II: more music from Final Fantasy Patrick Gann June 1, 2010
Distant Worlds VI: more music from Final Fantasy Patrick Gann August 21, 2023
Distant Worlds: music from Final Fantasy Patrick Gann December 4, 2007
Distant Worlds: music from Final Fantasy Returning Home Stephen Meyerink January 19, 2011
F. F. MIX Patrick Gann November 26, 1994
Final Fantasy & Final Fantasy II Original Soundtrack DragonGod October 23, 2002
Final Fantasy 1987 – 1994 Freddie W November 26, 1994
Final Fantasy N Generation: Official Best Collection Lucy Rzeminski October 22, 2001
Final Fantasy Series Acoustic Arrangements Greg Delmage February 22, 2023
Final Fantasy Solo Guitar Collections Jerry Williams April 2, 2010
Final Fantasy Solo Guitar Collections Vol.2 Jerry Williams January 18, 2011
Final Fantasy Solo Guitar Collections Vol.3 Jerry Williams July 20, 2012
Final Fantasy Tribute ~Thanks~ Jerry Williams December 5, 2012
Final Fantasy Vocal Collections I -Pray- Patrick Gann June 25, 1994
Final Fantasy Vocal Collections II “Love Will Grow” Patrick Gann November 25, 1995
GAME – Piano Squall Eric Farand June 30, 2007
Guitar solo Final Fantasy Official Best Collection CD Book Patrick Gann September 20, 2008
Love SQ Patrick Gann November 25, 2009
More SQ Neal Chandran March 2, 2011
Piano Opera Final Fantasy I/II/III Patrick Gann February 29, 2012
Potion 2: Relaxin’ with Final Fantasy Damian Thomas December 19, 2001
Project Majestic Mix: A Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu – Gold Edition Lucy Rzeminski June 22, 2002
Project Majestic Mix: A Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu – Silver Edition Robert Bogdanowicz May 9, 2002
SQ Chips 2 Damian Thomas July 25, 2012
SQ Chips Village/Vanguard Customer Bonus Derek Heemsbergen September 21, 2011
SQ Lovers Jerry Williams November 23, 2011
Square Enix Battle Tracks Vol.1: Square 1987-1996 Patrick Gann May 9, 2007
Symphonic Fantasies – music from Square Enix Patrick Gann September 17, 2010
Symphonic Fantasies Tokyo Stephen Meyerink June 11, 2012
Symphonic Odysseys – Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu Kyle E. Miller December 28, 2011
Symphonic Suite Final Fantasy Patrick Gann July 25, 1989
The Black Mages Andy Byus February 19, 2003
The Black Mages II: The Skies Above Jesse Jones December 22, 2004
Video Games Live: Level 2 Patrick Gann October 19, 2010
