Beyond the Beyond Original Game Soundtrack


Review by · November 10, 2000

Beyond the Beyond was one of the first RPGs to reach the American PlayStation console. I, and most RPG fans, will agree that this is likely one of the worst RPGs ever created, give or take a few other bad ones out there. So, why bother buying the OGS (Original Game Soundtrack) to such a game? There are plenty of reasons below.

First of all, even though Antinos Records listed it as an “OGS,” it really isn’t an “OGS” at all (note that Antinos also made this mistake with an Arc the Lad CD). This CD consists of five very long, highly-arranged tracks. And not only is the music arranged, it’s arranged by the original composer of very high status in the VGM industry: Motoi Sakuraba.

The arrangements are awesome. The instrumentation, though mainly synth (Sakuraba’s standard for arrangements) is done well. The only problem I have with instrumentation is the constant use of the synth choir vocals. They fit well at some parts, but they sound horrible at other parts. If they just weren’t used so often, it would likely sound better. Otherwise, everything is fine. The two highlights of this CD are tracks 1 and 3; both are set up in a build-into-climax manner, and both have a variety of instruments throughout the entire track. Keep in mind that each track is almost 10 minutes.

Well, that covers everything except… hmm… Oh yes, where can one purchase this awesome CD? Bad news: This CD is OOP (out-of-print), HTF (hard-to-find), RARE, and all of that. During the time that this review was written, one Beyond the Beyond OGS was put on eBay: it sold for over $100. So, until it becomes less wanted, or until there is a reprint (unlikely), you must save up some serious money to buy this CD.

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Patrick Gann

Patrick Gann

Therapist by day and gamer by night, Patrick has been offering semi-coherent ramblings about game music to RPGFan since its beginnings. From symphonic arrangements to rock bands to old-school synth OSTs, Patrick keeps the VGM pumping in his home, to the amusement and/or annoyance of his large family of humans and guinea pigs.