A college professor by day and a video game player by night. Somewhere in all of that, Matt likes food and music. Father of two wonderful cats and husband to an amazing wife. Matt can be quiet at first, but eventually can be a talker! Perhaps one day, he'll finish his doctorate...
Favourite Games/Series
Pokémon Mainline Series with anything Falcom related being a close second.
Favourite Genres
Of course RPGs, but specifically JRPGs. If I’m not playing RPGs though, I’m probably playing a management game or 4x/grand strat
Misc Interests
Being as my job relates to health, it’s going to be health-related topics. I also love sports and anything really related to St. Louis. I also collect vinyl records!
Time at RPGFan
May 2021–Present
Where I'm From
Effingham, IL
My Pronouns