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Twitch: Trails of Cold Steel IV Finale Friday (1/22) at 1PM EST!

Twitch purple banner with the Cold Steel IV cast on the right brandishing their weapons.

Our journey through the Trails series has finally reached its endpoint with the finale of Trails of Cold Steel IV this Friday, 1/22, at 10AM PST/1PM EST on our Twitch channel and Twitch page. What started as #SummerOfColdSteel eventually became the Fall and Winter of Cold Steel (though it’s still summer in Australia). Still, our goals have finally been met, all incentive games have been played (THANK YOU everyone that subbed to meet them), and it is time to finally see the end! It was my pleasure to spend this incredible seven-month journey with all of you, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. There will be more Trails games in the future, hopefully as they get localized. For now, we must say goodbye to our Trails friends one more time.

In addition to finally reaching our goal, we will be giving away a copy of Trails of Cold Steel IV at the end of the game on Friday. The winner can choose from a PS4 or Switch/PC copy when they are released. Good luck to whoever wins!

We still have plenty of awesome games to stream, and I hope everyone continues to enjoy all the future streams together as a community. I will see you there!

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Scott Clay

Scott Clay

Scott streams games for our Twitch channel almost every night! He enjoys playing games on stupid hard difficulties, creating unnecessary challenges for games that don't need them, speedrunning and telling everyone why Lunar 2 is the best RPG ever made. You should stay awhile and listen!

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